Just a few samples of some creative, strategic advertising I’ve had the pleasure to work on. Please contact me for more at gmbroder@yahoo.com. (Click on thumbnails for a closer look.)

In trying financial times, experience counts for a lot.

The best way to reach the target for an online gift registry for college savings? Online, of course. And with the facts.

How do you get parents to prepare for their kid’s college education? You start by educating them.

North Bay Health Care’s new women’s center campaign won the approval of the target – and the 2011 Addy’s Best of Show.

What? The Bay Area’s favorite supermarket is coming back? Let’s tease it a bit, get the excitement going.

And then pay it off.

And once you get folks in the store, how can you friendly cross-promote with in-store signage?

And don’t forget online, so we get them before they even hit the store.

How do you launch a female energy drink in the Los Angeles market? With tongue firmly in cheek, of course.

It’s not hard to set UC Davis Health System apart from the rest. You just need to tell the story.